Asthma Control
Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways in the lungs. When you have asthma symptoms two main things happen:
1. The airways swell and fill with mucus
2. The muscles around the airways get tight, and this makes the airways smaller.
The most common symptoms of asthma are:
Coughing, especially at night, during exercise or when laughing
Shortness of breath
Chest tightness
Wheezing (a whistling or squeaky sound in your chest when you breathe, especially when exhaling)
Any asthma symptom is serious and can become deadly if left untreated.
Asthma symptoms can happen at any time. Mild episodes may last only a few minutes and may be resolved spontaneously or with medication; more severe episodes can last from hours to days.
If you’re experiencing breathing difficulties that interfere with your daily activities and decrease the quality of your life, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Your doctor can also help you recognize the early warning signals of an attack and coach you in ways to cope during an emergency. Also the Respira Sano Health Educators can help you with the resource group to give you the tools to control asthma episodes.
Use Proper Asthma Medication
There are two main types of medicine for asthma:
1- Preventive Asthma Medicine
Take it as advised by your doctor
Helps prevent asthma symptoms
Often taken using an inhaler or as pills
Do not use for sudden asthma symptoms
2- Rescue Medicine
Everyone with asthma needs a rescue medicine, such as a rescue inhaler
Take your rescue inhaler when you have sudden asthma symptoms
Helps open your airways when you have symptoms
Keep your rescue inhaler with you all the time
Source: GlaxoSmithKline